
An Mailbook update

In 2018 I wrote how I launched Mailbook together with two friends. Fast forward 3 years and lots has changed. Bram and Emiel parted the project, while I kept on looking for a business model for the project.

A year ago I noticed lots of traffic coming from my Youtube video that explains how to mail merge addresses using Excel and Word. A complex process needed to generate address labels from an Excel sheet so you can print on your own.

Wouldn't it be better that I would be able to just ship these people their address labels? And so I set up my own printing shop that allows users to order their labels straight from Mailbook. Every day I print, stamp and mail them to their houses.

Next to a fun project to build and maintain, people reacted super happy that that they didn't have to deal with doing it themselves. And sales is been going up reaching over 50k in revenue in a very short time.

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