
Please no more Digg Traffic!!!

List of most digged domains in 2007

Interesting news last week where populair blogs lifehacker and gizmodo announce that they prefer people from not digging every article anymore. An surprising post ofcourse resulting in mass diggs, because if the digg community loves something, that would be talking about themself…

Their reasons to stop digging their website include the following:

  • Prefer people to click their banners, instead of digging.
  • Don’t want to keep adding servers every week.
  • They want to be viewed as profesional journalist, instead of link bait writers.
  • And many other reasons we common people will never understand…

But lets see how many frontpage stories these and other sites actually get. With the Digg API I grabbed the data from 01 Feb 2007 to 15 June 2007, and counted what domains got the most stories made populair (the notorious frontpage). A quick sort of the array created a list that show 3,033 unique domains getting 13,091 frontpage listings in the last five and a half months. On average there are 90 frontpage stories from 20 sources (domains) per day.

treehugger.com (74)
metacafe.com (82)
flickr.com (84)
lifehacker.com (87)
thinkprogress.org (95)
reuters.com (104)
destructoid.com (105)
msn.com (105)
google.com (107)
rawstory.com (110)
crooksandliars.com (111)
washingtonpost.com (112)
consumerist.com (116)
break.com (119)
go.com (126)
wired.com (152)
nytimes.com (179)
blogspot.com (188) - various blogs
cnn.com (188)
gizmodo.com (194)
yahoo.com (206)
engadget.com (302)
arstechnica.com (395)
co.uk (469) - various sites
youtube.com (1249)

Although Gizmodo.com got 194 frontpage stories, and Lifehacker.com 87, YouTube should have been the one complaining with over 1,249 stories (well videos in this case)! Surprisingly only 3,000 unique domains have ever been on the digg homepage: I thought the internet was bigger?!

So if this list teaches us one thing, that would be that expanding digg’s horizon beyond the current 3,000 websites might not be such a really bad idea because the ‘top’ sites don’t appreciate it anyway,!

PS: See this page for the complete list of frontpage domains.

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